Thursday, October 25, 2018

XXXXXXX Milk 12 - Bethesda proteins and amino acids

Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics - Asylum Projects
Nov 9, 2013 - When more land was added the facility
began farming and raising their own food
In 1907 due to overcrowded conditions and a long waiting list, Bethesda built the first building on the 40 acres of land that was donated in 1903. Back in Watertown, Wis. individuals who received support and services helped ...

Bethesda Lutheran Home  at Tetz farms for  the
education of the feeble mined .......
using  protein molecule  education methods  ...
 of S.I. Hayakawa  and with Bessie the COW

Bethesda Lutheran Home - Watertown Historical Society
02 23 After considerable discussion the assembly (Madison) today ordered two engrossments of the Racek bill exempting forty acres of land belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran home for Feeble Minded at Watertown from taxation. The authorities of the home, which has been conducted in rented premises for several ...

Lu = Logical Unit education site  ...
Lu = Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics - Asylum Projects
Nov 9, 2013 - On April 13, 1904, Bethesda opened its doors in a rented building on Margaret Street and was called The Faith House. There were five clients and eight staff members. The Faith Home was unable to renew its lease and moved to Milwaukee for three years. In 1909, the facility moved back to Watertown and ...

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Z51- List of Blogger posts ,,circuits, EM, Milk, BEC

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