codes --> RAF --> RA + F --> Radio Frequency for
human brain bio-electron circuits
code word--- > wrong --> WR + Oxygen + ng --> WR + Lung
Westroads Mall shooting - Wikipedia
Omaha, Nebraska.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Om Ne -->
Oxygen molecule neutrons war
Secretariat (horse) - Wikipedia
Secretariat and Emily Hilscher .... History |
Pure Heart: The thrilling life and emotional death of Secretariat |
The thrilling life at Virginia Tech university ....
and em = emotional death of Secret ....
....... em = Emily Hilscher and her electro-magnetic life
AM = Ambler Johnston Hall
AM = Amplitude Modulation
Ambler Johnston shootings
Ambler Johnston shootings
Ambler Johnston shootings
Boston Marathon bombing - Wikipedia
On April 15, 2013, two homemade bombs detonated 12 seconds and 210 yards ( 190 m) apart at 2:49 p.m., near the finish line of the annual Boston Marathon, ...
Boston Marathon Terror Attack Fast Facts -
On April 15, 2013, double bombings near the finish line of the Boston Marathon killed ...
double bombings near the finish line
double bombings near the finish line
double bombings near the finish line
double-helix ordered bombings near the finish line .......
finish the bull-shit English sentence lines in Boston newspapers and Harvard Law school
Finland and the finish LINE - Wikipedia
Location of Finland (dark green). – in Europe (green & dark grey) – in the European Union (green) – [Legend]. Capital and largest city, Helsinki · 60°10′N ...
The Map is not the Territory; The Flag is not the Nation - The Donella ... › Archives
“The symbol is NOT the thing symbolized,” thunders Hayakawa. “The map is NOT the territory. The word is NOT the thing. “Most societies systematically ...
Algemene semantiek, Hayakawa: Ch. 2 - Maps and territories
Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa. ... stand in relation to the extensional world as a map does to the territory it is supposed to represent.
Hayakawa Explanation 1-7 Flashcards | Quizlet
Map–territory relation - Wikipedia–territory_relation
The map–territory relation describes the relationship between an object and a representation of that object, as in the relation between a geographical territory ...
Language and Reality - Examining General Semantics | Loftur Árni ...
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