Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Circuit 28 - dirac and davfid copperfield right hand rules


explains  key word concepts --> 

Circuit 28 -

dirac and david copperfield 

copper right hand rules

The Paul Dirac coffin bed at Roselawn Cemetery .......

his Base 16......atomic coffin database  with
atomic electron orBITal ......
................................BIT ... bits of quantum language data located at Nature's systems 

atomic electron orBITal ......
....................................Tallahassee ..... see/look/aware
.................................... Tall /height --> her full height
.............................................   eight = decimal 8

code words .....
when she rose ....
......en shells at Roselawn with Rosen-Einstein bridges

Does the Einstein-Rosen bridge at Rose location exist? - Quora

Apr 30, 2017 - In 1935, physicists Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen used the theory of general relativity to propose the existence of "bridges" through space-time. These paths ...

What is a Wormhole? - The Theory, Facts and Fiction Explained

https://www.space.com › Science & Astronomy

Oct 20, 2017 - A model of 'folded' space-time illustrates how a wormhole bridge might form ... In 1935, Einstein and physicist Nathan Rosen used the theory of ...

The Einstein Rosen bridge and the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox ...


    Nov 21, 2015 - In 2013 Juan Maldacena and Leonard Susskind demonstrated that the Einstein Rosen bridge between two black holes is created by EPR-like

    What is a Black Uniformed cop .. concept words
    --> black soil  Wormhole ...earth black ground ....black hole? 

    The Paul Dirac ( his life time experiences of data collection, education, research , theory, etc)  ...

    the top ergosphere  ..... of over 60 years of adult life
    and intellectual activity and physics lab experiences

    .... upon his death in year 1984  ...... his life DATABASE information  is compressed into
    a coffin DATABASE ...

    an  singularity / a DATA POINT  in Nature's  earthly information fabric

    The Paul Dirac
    ..................... ac -->alternating cycles / oscillations / sin waves / ...

    Nikola Tesla wirels ..earth vibrations  ... geology underground system ROUTE to Wisconsin .....
    ................  sin  earth region for quantum social science messages to surface
    to a surface  level of conscious VIA human  serious thinkers

    Tesla's Earth quake/OSCILLATION ...SIGNALING  Machine - The Excluded Middle

      In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ...
      vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...

      Oscilloscope  of Os  Os --> Oshkosh  Wikipedia

        An oscilloscope, previously called an oscillograph, and informally known as a scope or o-scope, CRO (for cathode-ray oscilloscope), or DSO is a type of ...

        Black uniform cop --> copper electri.CITY --> city life

        above picture ..... arm/ hand  languages  ...
        translated into words, concepts, and equations 

        The right hand rule states 
        that: to determine the direction of the magnetic force on a positive moving charge, ƒ, point the thumb of the right hand in the direction of v, the fingers in the direction of B, and a perpendicular to the palm points in the direction of F.

        Magnetic Force on a Moving Electric Charge | Boundless Physics


        Above  message ......  copper wire stick 

        Above symbols  ...... copper wire rod 

        and then the curvature of  the
        gentlemen RIGHT arm  ..... 

        representing the magnetic field curves around the
        copper wire rod (the wood stick in the picture

        Right-hand rule - Wikipedia

          The direction of the cross product may be found by application of the right hand rule as follows: The index finger points in the direction of the velocity vector v. The middle finger points in the direction of the magnetic field vector B. The thumb points in the direction of the cross product F.
           points in the direction of the velocity vector v.
           points in the direction of the velocity vector v.
           points in the direction of the .......city vector v.

          Man   hat   tangent  Project - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com


          Atomic Bomb History. Explore the top-secret American project to build the world's first atomic bomb. The Manhattan Project was the code name for the American-led effort to develop a functional atomic weapon during World War II.

          Manhattan Project | Definition  of hat/ cap on top of human head 

          /  , Facts, & Significance | Britannica.com

            Apr 26, 2018 - The resulting Manhattan Project absorbed $2,000,000,000 of the $3,850,000,000 spent by the United States on R and D in World War II. World War II: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. …the war department in the Manhattan Project to develop an atomic bomb. nuclear reactor: The first atomic piles.

            Below, the 2 human arms represent the bodies
            of water   (above)  ...... and between those arms is the sinai geometry   V  shape (see below)

            Above, the GOLD chain
            .... in year 1970 ...
            Golda Meir and Israel  ...and their secret

            proper noun  ... code words

            code name -->  tomahawk  in one of the cases -->

            tom + map + hawk --> atomic map LINK to Hawking atmosphere/astronomy/ astrophysics

            VIEW (the man on the moon VIEW) of EARTH surface ....... human activity 

            ,,,,,, and Jane Wilde Hawking  poetry

            ...... po + o + etry --> podiatry order entry ...2 legs walking on COMPUTER EARTH geography surface ...as a data entry keyboard


            code word --> area connected .... Glibness 

            The Gibbs Statistical Mechanics - UD Physics

              Chapter 5. The Gibbs Statistical. Mechanics. In Chapter 3 we developed Boltzmann's statistical mechanics and in. Chapter 4 we applied it to perfect gases of ...

              Josiah Willard Gibbs and the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics ...

              by J Mehra - ‎1998 - ‎Cited by 10 - ‎Related articles
              In this study, I discuss the development of the ideas of Josiah Willard Gibbs' Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics and the fundamental role they played ...

              code word --> area connected .... Glibness 

              A quantitative test of Gibbs' statistical mechanics - Science Direct

              by AR Plastino - ‎1995 - ‎Cited by 58 - ‎Related articles
              Tsallis' generalized statistical mechanics (GSM) is used in order to provide us with a test on the validity of the. Gibbs-Boltzmann statistics, which constitutes a 

              DAMTP Professor Gary W. Gibbons, FRS, PhD


                by PK Townsend - ‎Cited by 228 - ‎Related articles
                Professor Gary W. Gibbons, FRS, PhD. Professor of Theoretical Physics. Career. Curriculum Vitae (PDF document). Research. Research Interests (PDF ...

                END of explanation


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